Saturday, October 16, 2010

The New Task: Writing a Story

Hello, my dear students hope you are enjoying your weekend. Before I inform you about the new task, I would like to thank you all for the contributions you have made so far. The conversations you wrote for the cartoon (Birds by Pixar) were great, actually they were much more creative than I expected, as I am aware of your creativity now I  feel so excited about your future comments. This week I have a new task for you, I hope you will like this one, too. By the way some of you haven't made any comments, I am expecting you to join us with this new task. Please get a gmail account and become a member of our blog as soon as possible. This week I want you to write a story for the paintings you see below. The genre is free, it can be a comedy, fairy tale, mystery, horror, romance... it is up to you. Before writing your own please click on the link below and read the example story.

Actually I was planning to use just one painting for this task, but while surfing the net I saw so many adorable paintings and couldn't decide which one to put. Therefore, I chose 4 amazing paintings, you may be familiar with them as they are among the most expensive 15 paintings in the world. These painting are the masterpieces of Picasso, Renoir, Klimt and Rubens, if you are interested in them and want to learn their prices please check this website:

 Here are the magnificent paintings, choose one of them and write a story. The deadline for the stories is October,22. Good luck...


  1. I select second picture.
    His name was Carl Zeiss.He was born in september in 1816.He was the founder of Zeiss Company.He was a great businessman and innovative person.In 1846,Carl Zeiss and his assistant Ernst Abbe opened a little shop where they produced scientific equipments.In 1866,his assistant invented an extraordinary lens for optic equipments.From that time to today,his company is the greatest optic equipment producer in the world.Zeiss's quality is incontestable.

  2. (First Picture)
    It was a wedding which was so crowded. Everthing was appearing perfect except Carol(the lady who is sitting sadly). Carol was a rich but unhappy woman. In the city, everyone was talking about her prosperity. She could buy everthing what she wanted with her money. Normaly, she must be happy but she was not. Because of love. She was trying to find someone who was not interested in her fortune. It was too hard for her because every man was trying to reach her fortune. But Carol was trying to find real love.
    The wedding party was Sarah&Damien's. They were Carol's best friends. Carol was happy on that day but when she thought her love life, she felt sad.
    She was sitting on a chair with her mother. Suddenly, she felt a finger on her back. She turned back and saw a man who was so handsome. Man was trying to tell something but Carol didn't listen him and asked for dance. Then they danced and Carol felt in love with him because he even didn't know Carol's prosperity. Man loved Carol too. And they married in that month :)

  3. these crowded gather for a birthday party but birthday's kid is not here.other people waited for him and they got bored.then,some people started to dance,some other started to talk to each other.finanly,this picture appeared.

  4. I selected the first one because ı have a huge family and ıt reminded me my family.Since our famıly ties are very strong.In Bayrams many famıly members meet in our house's garden. Everybody gets together and we have fun because everybody lıves different cities. For this reason,all famıly members miss the of my father's cusion is an artist and she draws our pictures very often.Eveybody gets well dressed and she starts to draw then we hang the picture and we become happy:(

  5. I have selected the third one...
    She is the most beatiful girl in the Italy.She was born in Isreal then she was adopted.She started to live in ıtaly.She was so beatiful,so all people loved her but she loved just one man who kissed her when she was 14.A few years later he got married .When she heard,she couldnt believe.Therfore ,she suicided.

  6. Melis, Merve and Hakan, thank you for the stories, Hakan I liked your tragic story.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I selected second picture
    Once upon a time,there was a rich man and he was so happy with his family.He had only one child.One day,his son caught an enormous ilness.He didn't eat anything.He didn't feel any energy to walk.As a result of this,his father lost his consciousness.He also lost everything which he owned. This is the picture of a sad man who lost everything in his life.

  9. I selected the second picture.
    This painting represents a man. This man looks sad, when I look at the him. I think, he has an exhaustive job and works until late hours. Moreover, he has an affair. The woman is married to another man and, he is afraid of explaining this love. He hates himself and regrets because of his feelings. This is a very difficult situation, I can see it in his eyes. He is tired, pessimistic and powerless.

  10. Zeynep and Ece your stories are nice, thank you.
